Drawing Lab
Price: $350 (Members: $325)
Apply left-brained thinking to a right-brained activity for unexpected results. Observe works of art in the galleries for ideas, hypothesize some “what-ifs,” then head to the lab for experimentation. Ink, graphite, rubber bands, straws, paint brushes, paper, wood, plastic—let materials take you on a scientifically fun drawing journey. Record your process and results in your sketchbook and make a series of pieces based on your findings.
The last day to register for this camp is July 17, 2024.
Registration Information
Charline von Heyl, A Dauphin Sat Down to Dine on Dust, Alone in His Field of Wheat (detail), 2018, Carnegie Museum of Art, Purchase, gift of Mr. and Mrs. William Block, by exchange, © Cheryl von Heyl