Spend a week immersed in color! Find out where color comes from and discover how different colors and patterns help plants and animals survive. Head outdoors in search of all the colors of the rainbow, and explore beloved exhibits with museum experts to uncover the importance of color in the natural world.
Learn more about Color Craze.
Uncover woodland wonders as you turn over stones, explore aquatic ecosystems, and look for life under leaves and logs. Dissect a flower, discover the science behind rain and thunderstorms, and use the power of the sun to make a tasty snack. Investigate diverse biomes throughout the museum, plus build a bug condo and design a cozy compost bin for worms. Use your new nature knowledge to create your own nature game.
Learn more about Go Nature Go.
Explore the world of Super Mario and find out how it compares to our natural world. Adventure into the museum and meet the inspirations for your favorite turtle and dinosaur characters. Create STEM-based “power-up” projects, and dive into the natural biomes that match up to favorite game worlds. Design and race your own model go-kart and complete a Mario-inspired obstacle course in this week of next-level fun!
Learn more about Mario's Natural World.
Do you have an eye for detail? Do you like to puzzle through patterns? Join this micro-adventure to unearth some of the smallest specimens on display in the museum. Analyze patterns and make connections between cultural artifacts and the natural world. Learn how your brain decodes fine detail by experimenting with light and color. Dissect a real cow eyeball using age-appropriate tools and techniques.
Learn more about Camouflage Chaos.
Search for salamanders, set up insect traps, and “fish” for microplankton on biology expeditions. Soar to new heights as you study seed dispersal. Find animals in different ecosystems on hikes through nearby Schenley Park. Investigate woodlands and streams farther afield on an extended day field trip to Powdermill Nature Reserve, the museum’s environmental research center.
Learn more about Eco Adventure.
Calling all Eye Spy champions! Challenge your skills on a visual quest full of surprises. Search the museum for the smallest specimens on display, look for mystery minerals, and discover how our eyes play tricks on us. Learn how animals use their brains and eyes as predators and prey, and conduct experiments with colors. Gain an eye for photography as you take photos of your favorite toy animal in its “natural habitat” during your Eye Spy adventure.
Learn more about Eye Spy.
Experience what it’s like to be a museum scientist out in the field and in the lab. Practice using navigation tech and outdoor gear. Learn from real scientists who travel around the world for their work. Go outside throughout the week to advance your skills in tracking animals and surveying their habitats for health and pollution indicators. Collect and analyze your own observations during a mini field study at Powdermill Nature Reserve.
Learn more about Field Science.
Discover the amazing creatures living in and around your home! Explore the museum’s exhibits, backyard, and nearby Schenley Park to look for critters, search for insects in leaf litter, and go on a mammal scavenger hunt. Create your own bird feeder to attract birds to your yard, plus craft a bug hotel and make art from nature. Conduct plant pigment experiments and dissect fruits and vegetables. Uncover backyard micro mysteries using magnifiers and a video microscope.
Learn more about Backyard Biology.
Look up, down, and all around on this adventurous week of seeking and searching! Explore Powdermill Nature Reserve’s forest, soil, and stream with games and activities focused on discovering the wonders of nature. Dig through soil in search of worms and work together in a crawfish bonanza to see how many you can collect. Solve a series of clues on a wildlife scavenger hunt, and play cooperative outdoor games to learn about predators, prey, and nature all around us.
Learn more about On the Lookout.
Campers, let’s get crafty! With the great outdoors as your inspiration, explore concepts of art intersecting with nature in a series of fun projects that celebrate sustainability. Search for natural pigments in nature and use sustainable harvesting practices to collect materials from the forest. Create sculptures with seeds from native wildflowers, make bird feeder crafts, and find out how to make art that makes an impact.
Learn more about Art in Nature.
Examine fascinating natural patterns and use objects from nature to create your own designs. Dig into the science behind color and texture as you experiment with bright red beets, beautiful butterfly wings, gorgeous geodes, and spiral snail shells. Discover critters of all shapes and sizes as you explore the marvels and mysteries of the natural world!
Learn more about Hi-Fives!: Natural Wonders.
Make a mess during this week of fearless outdoor exploration! You’ll get your hands in the dirt, mud, and stream as you search for critters who call Powdermill Nature Reserve home. Create seed balls to help spread native plants, construct a toad abode for an amphibian friend, and get soaked in the stream. Hike, explore, and play water games to discover the messy wonders of our world.
Learn more about Messes, Mud, and More.
Come and catch them all! Join Pokéteam Carnegie to explore the natural world of Pokémon. Learn about different Pokémon and examine their habitats to discover what makes them strong. Meet entomology experts and compare the life cycle of Pokébugs to real insects. Create your own Poké Ball and Pokémon creature based on real features of amazing animals. Go on quests in the museum and Schenley Park to find Pokémon.
Learn more about PokéGo.
Do you have a passion for helping the planet? Take action and get real experience solving an environmental issue! Throughout the week you’ll research, design, and carry out an action plan to solve an environmental problem at Powdermill. Explore, hike the trails, and play games to learn about Powdermill’s strengths and challenges, then work together to come up with a solution and present it to leaders at the nature center. By the end of the week you’ll put the plan into action and make a real difference!
Learn more about Environmental Action Camp.
From the streams of Schenley Park to the Allegheny River, experience the diverse life of Pittsburgh’s waterways. Learn the tools of freshwater field work as you collect macro- and microorganisms. Investigate wetland plants and wildlife. Hop aboard the Gateway Clipper Fleet on a sightseeing adventure to explore our Three Rivers up-close. Lace up your sneakers—this is an active camp with regular hiking excursions!
Learn more about Urban Waterways.
Dive into conservation science and learn how to manage, conserve, and restore local habitats. Explore how land use, population, and pollution impact our environment. Investigate ecosystems and wildlife in Schenley Park and take a trip to the Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium to compare unique traits of habitats. Conduct experiments and simulations to understand how we can live a more sustainable life. Examine human impacts that are part of nature and what can be done to reduce our footprint.
Learn more about Conservation Nation.
Discover the role nature plays in telling great stories in books, fables, and myths. Investigate how animals, plants, birds, and insects spark ideas for fascinating tales and creepy cryptids. Explore the forest and trails to gain inspiration and find out what makes a memorable story. Work with your new camp friends to rehearse and perform a play all about the environment.
Learn more about Mountain Myths and Forest Fables.
Embark on an alphabet adventure with fascinating science projects! Explore the ABC’s around the museum as you investigate amazing animals, curious critters, and wild wonders of all shapes and sizes. Gather specimens and make your own collection. Compare the anatomy of animals through x-rays and make the tiny appear large using microscopes and magnifying glasses.
Learn more about Hi-Fives!: Alligator to Zebra.
Explore the world of Super Mario and find out how it compares to our natural world. Adventure into the museum and meet the inspirations for your favorite turtle and dinosaur characters. Create STEM-based “power-up” projects, and dive into the natural biomes that match up to favorite game worlds. Design and race your own model go-kart and complete a Mario-inspired obstacle course in this week of next-level fun!
Learn more about Mario's Natural World.
Don your detective gear and get ready to dig into environmental mysteries. Investigate food webs and examine real pond water samples in search of macroinvertebrates. Learn about indicator species and use them to draw conclusions regarding the health of a watershed. Conduct experiments and piece together clues with DNA sampling, chromatography, and heavy metal testing. Visit Rivers of Steel to understand the environmental impact of Pittsburgh’s past on the land and water.
Learn more about Environmental Detectives.